Brian D’Agostino is an interdisciplinary social scientist, educator, author, and speaker who holds Ph.D., Masters, and Bachelors degrees from Columbia University. His publications and other professional qualifications span psychology, mathematics, political-economy, and public policy. Dr. D'Agostino is Editor of Disarmament Times and author of The Middle Class Fights Back: How Progressive Movements Can Restore Democracy in America (Praeger 2012). He
has addressed the NYC Panel for Educational Policy and NYS Senate Education Committee and lectured for the general public and academic audiences. His
publications have appeared in the peer-reviewed Political Science Quarterly, Political Psychology, The Journal of Psychohistory, and Review of Political Economy, as well as popular publications including New York Daily News, Z Magazine, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and Living City. Brian lives in New York City with his wife Constance L. Benson.